3 Questions to Help You Overcome Social Anxiety This New Year

3 Questions to Help You Overcome Social Anxiety This New Year
Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

I remember the first time I lit fireworks for New Year's.

They were so bright, loud, and fun -- an assortment of colors, bursting in the night.

But just as quickly, they burned out.

That’s how most resolutions go. And while I can’t promise you success, I do have three questions to help you get better at overcoming Social Anxiety in 2023.

What was my biggest win this year? (and why was it good?)

Social Anxiety focuses on our future failure and forgets our past success.

The best thing you can take from this year is your biggest win. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you don’t have one. Even if it seems small to you, make sure you write down:

  • What your biggest win was
  • Why it was good for you

Read it when you wake up each morning. Not only will it encourage you, but it’ll start to change your day. Trust me.

Pro Tip: Wouldn’t it be nice if someone reminded you of your past success when you felt anxious? Try Roadmap!

What was the biggest lesson I learned about Social Anxiety?

Reruns of my favorite show are great, repeating negative patterns isn’t.

We probably had some stumbles in 2022. It’s our job to remember the lessons so we don’t have to repeat them again. Whether you learned a lesson in defeat or triumph, make sure you write down:

  • What the lesson was
  • Why you need to remember it

If you need some inspiration, here are the 30 biggest lessons I’ve learned about Social Anxiety

What’s a small step that I can take to share more?

Social Anxiety is about hiding. We hide our ideas, appearance, personality, or ourselves all together. This kills opportunities in our life.

So it’s important that we share often. But instead of the giant, lofty, New Year’s resolutions that fail, pick a small step that you can do daily. Here are three examples.

  • Talk to someone
  • Go to a public place
  • Post on social media

The key is to focus on building momentum. Small steps help you gain confidence and take bigger steps. It’s a success spiral.

Pro Tip: Roadmap gives you a catalog of small steps you can take any day.

Your Turn

The new year will be here before you know it. So before you watch the countdown, give yourself a headstart in overcoming Social Anxiety.

Count your wins, remember the lessons, and commit to a small step. I will do the same.



P.S: Reply with one of your answers and I’ll tell you mine!

TiOluwa Olarewaju

TiOluwa Olarewaju

I write about emotions and build tech products to help people live fulfilled. Some people call me sassy, but my friends call me T.O.
Austin, TX